Welcome to the web-pages of Norwegian friends of Uganda (NOFU).
Norwegian Friends of Uganda (NOFU) is a Norwegian NGO with about 180 members. All of our members have some connection to Uganda. Many have worked there and some have studied in the country.
The board of NOFU arranges meetings with regular intervals where topics of interest for our members are lectured upon, and the formalities of the association are taken care of on our yearly general meeting. Our members meet in average three times a year, and NOFU has also arranged a trip for our members to Uganda. The board publishes the newsletter «UgandaNytt» (News from Uganda) at least twice a year.
These web-pages have also proved to be a medium of communication between the members. Most information on these pages are in norwegian, but we are always looking for good items to publish here, be they in norwegian or english.
NOFU was founded in 1978, but it was not until 1994 that the association decided to get more actively engaged in practical projects. We have since been involved in village development projects in Nakasongola district north of the capital Kampala, with economic support from NORAD (The Norwegian Agency for Development Aid). Our project committee has the resposibility to follow up on the day-to-day business of keeping the projects on track.
We have been cooperating with the elected village committee in Walukunyu since 1994, and we embarked upon a new project in cooperation with the village committee in Kiralamba in 1999.

Thousands of bricks have been molded and burnt for the schools and healthcenters in Walukunyu and in Kirilamba.
Our main goal has been to contribute to the developement of human resources in our co-operating villages. We feel that this have been achieved at the same time as important infra-structure have been constructed.
The womens group in Walukunyu have put it this way: Together we have overcome poverty! They have started self-help projects, such as bee-keeping and tailoring, and many of the women have been tought reading, writing and basic house-keeping economics.
From friends in Norway the womens group have been given soft loans, and have bought the two cows «Dagros» and «Litago». The cows have born calves, and are a source of income, exitement and great interest among the women.
In Walukunyu, the very visible results of the five years of co-operation, are the water well, the school with 550 pupils and the health station. In 1994 only 100 pupils were coming to school, and they were taught under the mango trees!
The village committee have impressed all with their ability to mobilize the population in all the work that has been done. A proper village have developed where apathy used to reign.
In Kiralambam, two wells have been drilled and fitted with pumps. The orbitual pumps supplied byWaterwell Development are very popular with the villagers in Kiralamba and are very durable.

The womens club in Walukunyu. Their strength is our inspiration!
Thousands of bricks have been produced for the Kiralamba school. Construction started in 2001, and all structures have been completed by 2004
Our current project (2005 onwards) is being conducted in co-operation with the Ugandan NGO VEDCO, and focuses on development of better agricultural practices, both in terms of production and marketing. Our connection to «our» villages in Nakasongola is being maintained through the friendship school arrangements, and other means. NOFU has entered a new era!
We can be contacted by mail at:
Venner av Uganda
P.O. Box 6652 St. Olavs Plass
N-0129 Oslo
Our chairman, Mr. Tore R. Semb may be reached by e-mail tore.semb(at)c2i.net, or you may contact our vice-chairman Mr. Carl E. Petersen (whom is also NOFU´s webmaster) at carl.e.p(at)online.no He is happy to receive any comments, complaints or tips about information that could be included in these pages.
We are an Agriculture Trainers Network with a membership of 55 member organizations training grassroot farmers in five districts (Kasese, Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kamwenge and Bundibugyo)in the Rwenzori region of Western Uganda.
We came to learn about your organization through our partners VEDCO and developed an interest in partnering with you in the struggle to avert the farmers’ situation for improved livelihood through better agricultural practices.
We would be grateful to hear from you
Baluku Elias Rwamanyonyi
Communication and Advocacy Officer
We are a Ugandan NGO reaching out to 813 farmers whom we support towards sustainable organic production and access towards markets.
We learnt about you through the PELUM uganda network; which is a membership organization representing 30 NGOs/ networks and is promoting sustainable land use.
We are happy to learn of your contribution to agriculture development through partnership with VEDCO in Nakasongola district and also wishes to explore opportunities for further collaboration in Northern Uganda.
There has been dire war effects in Northern Uganda where people were kept in camps for over 20 years. After the end of the war; they have returned to their villages and re-started farming activities. However due to global warming and climatic changes, long droughts and flooding have been experienced. Government efforts towards those calmities have been postive where relief has been given to farmers especially those who had total crop failure due to flooding in 2007. Further relief is currently being distributed due to famine which is being experienced as i write (as a result of drought).
Dependence on relief when crops and animal production fails is dis empowering.
Farmers have also responded by adapting to the calamities through a number of ways which include planting of drought resistant crops and early planting to take advantage of short rains, however these strategies have not been enough. There is need to support the deliberate efforts if they are to achieve impact.
We therefore call upon the Norwegian Friends of Uganda to explore opportunites for dialogue in order to empower the farmers.
Kind regards,
Eustace Sajjabi
t would be useful to understand how we can work together as partners across the vast geographical, cultural and economic divides between us and see how we can arrive jointly al mutually rewarding fruitful lasting venteres. BITEN(Billion Trees Environmental Network) is subsidiary of GENEROSITY INTERNATIONAL LIFECARE DEVELOPMENT COALITION, P.O. Box 8575, KAMPALA-UGANDA, Telephone:+256-782-551632:-
Specifically in BITEN PROGRAMMES, we :-
a- Plant Trees and Mobilize Homesteads, Schools and Communities to Plant Trees and conserve Environment,
b-Distribute Tree Seeds to Tree-Growers Countrywide in Uganda
c-Empower Associations, Charities, NGOs and Groups to grow trees as well as Manage Solid Waste, including Household, Institutional, Farm, Business and Urban Solid Waste and Garbage,
d-Coordinate Tree Nurseries Development and Seedlings Distribution
e-Undertake Environmental and Coservation Education by way of Capacity Building,
f-Network with others in Lobby, Advocacy, Information and Resources-Sharing and Partnership including Foreign Volunteering placement throughout Uganda projects for weeks, Months upto three Years,
g-Open to Mutual Memorandum of Understanding Agreement signing for Funding, Technical and Material Support and Exchange Visitation, seek Donors, Collaborators, partners, Supporters, Volunteers, shall respond to you and others on this premise promptly including welcoming you and your teams coming to Uganda for this aspect, please do let us know, our other details below:
4-HEALTHCARE, WATER & SANITATION, ………………………………………………..10%
total percentage =100%
dear Sir/Madame,
1-We want to build ORPHANAGE in UGANDA at Apac(350 Kms north of KAMPALA City ) and are looking for 800 Iron Roofing Sheets, 800 Bags of Cement, Timber, Doors, Windows, Utility Costs, and Furniture Resources for Residental Housing of upto 700 Orphans and neediest kids now living in Deplorable conditions of extreme poverty, maybe you are a donor/Good Samaritan/Volunteer/Fundraiser/Promoter who can help, we shall be delighted hearing from you including signing Memorandum of Understanding cooperation Agreement. We are at hand for further discussion on successful association.
2-* WE DISTRIBUTE INSECTICIDE TREATED MOSQUITO NETS FREELY(ITNs) TO MOTHERS WITH BABIES, CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS, ORPHANS, PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS(PLWHAs) and currently seek sponsors to procure these fovillages of 68,000 Residents in Northern Ugandan District of Amolatar, Oyam, Lira and Amuru, partners sought. Malaria kills more than 2 million Children in Uganda each year.
3-* Cultural Exchanges and Interactions in our Youth Programmes Connect Schools-Primary, Senior Secondary(High Schools/Gymnissiums equivalent i8n Scandianvian terms, or High Schools in North American Systems) in linkages, Homestays, Hostels Accommodations or Beds and Breakfast Accommodation Programmes), We have PEN-PALS SYSTEMS, as well as ADOPT A-SCHOOL-or A-CLASS- PROGRAMMES). And School Trips /Accommodation with some 100 Senior Secondary(High Schools in Uganda, including Kinyara High School in Masindi, Western Region, Ibuze Senior Secondary School, Inomo Senior Secondary School, Aduku Senior Secondary School, Apac High School, Gulu High School, Dr. Obote College, Akalo High School, and Lira Town College in Northern Uganda), in East we have Wakitaks Senior Secondary School, Jinja, and Nkono Memorial High School in Namutamba District, in Central Uganda we have St. Johns Senior Secondary School, Mukono, and St. Marys High School, Masaka).
-PRIMARY SCHOOLS we have 300 networking Primary Schools both in RURAL and URBAN-including CHAKALI Primary School, Alenga Primary School, Onywal Onote Primary School, Alenga Primary School, Atar Primary School, Akokoro Primary School, Alwala Primsary School-in Northern Uganda, and Masindi Primary School-West, and Source Primary School, Central, and Goodheart Primary School and Namaiwa Primary School(east).
4-TREE-PLANTING PROJECTS we have works with communities and schools to establish and develop Agroforestry, TreeGarden/Nurseries, and Urban Greening Programmes to save the Mother Earth. We develop School Orchards for participating Schools and encourage Kids/Students to grow trees with empahsis on indigenous species better adapted.
Dear Friends,associate,donor,volunteers,consultants, advisors and wel-wishers-WELCOME TO UGANDA-come one or in groups for few weeks, months or upto 3 years as volunteers to help us, or help us with Funds and Technical Support.
We want to be excited hearing from you, expecting to be intouch for many weeks, months and Years to come, please in the meantime kindly follow click websites/pages taking about us below to advise us better on the way forward:
1-Generosity International Life Care Development Coalition
Generosity International Life Care Development Coalition
Generosity International Life Care Development Coalition 23A Lubas Road P.O. Box 1623 JINJA-UGANDA
Generosity International Lifecare Development Coalition (GILDECO)
Alternative name:
The Global Childcare, Youth, Women Empowerment and Community Volunteering Organization
Contact data:
23A Lubas Road
PO Box 1623
Tel: 00 256 782 551632
Fax: 00 256 414 290211
Email: globalgenerosity@yahoo.co.uk
Year established:
No. Staff:
Main contact:
Okullu-Ayor (okulluayor@hotmail.com)
Membership No:
Network Membership:
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Organisation aims and activities: Technical assistance, reference and
referral support as umbrella
establishment to those inolved in
uplifting their socio-economic status
through self-help. GILDECO coordinates
Further details: GILDECO coordinates, supports and implements projects on all phases of childrens development including educational, feeding, housing, clothing and medicament and shelter, plus humanitarian responses and human rights promotion, established and develops orphanages, schools, childrens centers, welcomes and places Overseas Volunteers and Interns throughout Uganda for weeks, Months and upto three Years.More collaboration and Statements of involvement above welcomed from individuals, institutions and organizations.
Operational level: International
Works with age groups : Children 0 – 18
Organisation type: NGO – non governmental organisation
Organisation mandate: Work in partnership with organisations
Areas of expertise: Child labour and working children, Children and education, Children and health, Children and participation, Children and the media, Children and violence, Children in armed conflict, Children in conflict with the law, Children living with HIV/AIDS, Children with disabilities, Children without parental care, Children working and living on the street, Emergency relief, Environment and habitat, Gender and girls, Individual cases of violations, Minority or indigenous children, Refugee and unaccompanied children, Sexual exploitation of children
Contact Information
Contact Name Okullu-AYOR Vincent
JINJA-UGANDA, Uganda 00256
Telephone +256-782-551632
+256-782-601636 (alternate)
Fax +256-41-290211
Email globalgenerosity@yahoo.co.uk
okulluayor@hotmail.com (alternate)
Region Africa – Sub-Saharan
Focus Areas Care
Public Engagement
Generosity International Lifecare Development Coalition(GILDECO) , a nonprofit organization for social justice promotion, human resources development, onomic empowerment and environmental conservation/volunteering coordination has an interest to get partners/twinning/exchanges/collaborators/representation in all parts of the world and is actively involved in healthcare promotion(HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention programmes including Psycho-social support), we are seeking counterparts worldwide to develop these programmes,including healthcare center/Hospital development in Uganda. GILDECO is equally involved in AIDS+ War Orphans and vulnerable children sponsorship in Uganda, especially northern part where wars between rebels of Lords Resistance Army has since 1986 fought Ugandas government forcing 3/4 of local population living in Internally Displaced Peoples Camps(IDPCs) where last August government report in the New Vision national newspaper reported that 1000 people die there each week. We sponsor each child at $US 50 per term, primary school, 3 terms in a year equals $US 150, these include clothing, medicament, scholastic materials and feeding. There are presently two and half million orphans in Uganda due to AIDS epidemics. We are seeking help to constructy Orphanages, Childrens Homes, Rural Primary and vocational schools. GILDECO welcomes and places 350 foreign volunteers in projects throughout Uganda annualy for period of one week upto 3 years, volunteers completing their placements receive Certificates of Community Services volunteering from us.We are seeking twinning/linking/partnership/Donors/Collaboration/Visit Exchanges, among others with overseas counterparts. Our Charity Registration numberis 77193, documents forwarded upon request.
we shall be so blessed to hear from you soon.
executive director/Founder/CEO
P.O. BOX 8575
Volunteers to schools cant teach :
English, Science, Mathematics, among others.
Looking forward to meeting you soon, once again thanks for this unique opportunity that will go down to mark success stories between us.
Cordially yours,
executive director/CEO/Founder
Generosity International Lifecare Development Coalition
P.O. Box 8575
Generosity Headquarters.jpg mr.jpg
Generosity Headquarters.jpg
Hello, I am jackson kuucha, a teacher by profession & project planner and manager.
I just want to say thank you for the good work that u are doing.
Hi, am aresident of Nakasongola, a consultant at Shoreline Services Ltd. I really appreciate the work u have done for my home district. Many people have benefited out of the projects u put in place.
Thanks for your wonderful work .You have DONE IN many districts of Uganda ,we the youth of Nyantungo youth Dev t Foundation for us we have much land but we lack seedlings to plant we request you to associate with us.
Thanks for your efforts to improve the welfare of households in Uganda we the concerned nationals really appreciate and may God bless you and reward you abandantly
Volunteering opportunities in Kampala school (Uganda). For details vist. http://www.mjakampala.com/ and get involved. Mange Takk!
Am really grateful and appreciative for the work done to better the household income levels of our country men. May God reward yo efforts. However i also rear some animals(pigs)that feel if we joined hands we can inspire men to become rich. So far i have over 30 piglets that have reached 2months awaiting market. They are a good breed if well feed in only six months they can sold off for pork yet females can be serviced for production of piglets. Their parent stock produces 12-14 piglets. If convinced my contact is 0772-385290. if possible connect me to Patrick by sending me his phone number. Thax hope to hear from you.
currently , i have no website, but a Ugandan of age 20, i finished my secondary level education and passed ,but i have failed to raise for the university,when i got to know about this organisation i came up and decided to request for assistance as i want to make my dreams of becoming an engineer, not only me, many children in my village have failed to continue with education, others mulnulshed. any assistance from this oragnisatroin is highly welcome to help my fellow members in my village
Horizon Youth Empowerment Community Transformation is a community
based organisation (CBO) registered in Uganda. HYECT caters to
empower the youth in education specially the orphans/needy,health and
sustainable development.
We are writing to inquire to whether our organisation can partner with
your organisation to undertake relevant projects/Aid.
Baluye Waiswa
Program Director
P.O. Box 88,Kamuli
Let me take this opportunity to introduce to your attention UGANDA FRUITS AND SPICE GROWERS ASSOCIATION a fully registered Community Based organization that unites growers of Spices and fruit, processing and packing of food spices in Uganda East Africa. The group was established in 2012, currently consists of 34 members (18 female and 16 Male) after a research that farmers in our area were growing unprofitable crops that cannot increase on their earnings and standard of living under the theme: “United against poverty”.
We are involved in growing Spices such as; Cardamom, Pepper, Cinnamon, Ginger, Turmeric, Black Pepper and fruit like: Mangoes, Ovacado, Cocoa, Jack Fruit, Pawpaw, Passion fruits, Red Pepper and Green Vegetables. We have spice and fruits demonstration gardens in Kibibi, Butambala District in Uganda, East Africa.
We also organize skills training for youth on how to grow and process spices and fruits We invite farmers involved in spice growing, fruit growing, un employed youth to be empowered with skills of increasing their potential to grow more and quality spices and fruits to compete in market and to acquire resources to improve their standards of living the trainers are usually large scale farmers in fruits and spices and others from bank and business consultancy firms.
We are also involved in processing those products from our gardens to get final products which include Tea Masala, Pillawo Masala, Mixed Spices, Cinnamon Powder and Ginger Powder.
Aims of the Organization.
– UFSGA aim to promote job creation among the unemployed people in our communities.
– We also aim at promote spice growing in Uganda as it is in countries like Zanzibar, China, India, and Indonesia among other Countries at a household level to combat household poverty.
– We also look forward to promote nutrition and health among the community members.
Project Beneficiaries.
– Direct beneficiaries (members -34)
– Indirect Beneficiaries. (500) these include; unemployed youth, widows, farmers, business owners, consumers, children.
We target youth in most of our activities to work hand in hand with government of Uganda in its mission of alleviating un employment and poverty among youth
These spices and fruits have a high market demand in restaurants, supermarkets and at household level in Uganda and the rest of the world.
We need assistance for £1000 to purchase the milling machine in one of the pictures attached. The total cost of the machine is £1074, on local market. But members have agreed to begin saving for the £74 and we request for £1000 from your organization. Because currently we use a local mortar as you can see in our pictures to grind spices and this posses challenges to our work. One has to use a lot of energy and time to grind spices. The exercise of conducting training among the unemployed youth on how to invest in spices and fruits growing and processing becomes challenging when we conduct it using the local means of grinding. Our Bank Account is in Equity Bank Uganda. A/C NO: 1012100773435, A/C Names: UGANDA FRUITS AND SPICE GROWERS ASSOCIATION
For this reason, we hereby seek for your kind input through material or financial support. We trust that your input will go a long way in helping to fulfill the vision of promoting spice and fruit growing and helping people to acquire self sustaince and job creation skills especially the Youth. Please find attached recommendations certificates, invoice and pictures about our activities.
Yours Sincerely;
Mukiibi Sowedi